Friday, August 9, 2013

Enter Function Domains on a Graphing Calculator

Many times in mathematics, it is necessary to restrict a function's domain. This is especially important when dealing with trigonometric, absolute-value and radical functions. While doing this on a piece of paper simply requires writing the domain next to the function -- e.g., f(x) = |x|, (0, infinity], performing it on a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator requires different steps. In particular, after you have submitted your equation, you must convert the domain to an inequality and then submit it.

1. Write out the domain using inequality signs. For instance, given the domain (0, infinity] for a function Y(x), write x > 0. Given the domain (-5, 5), write 5 > x > -5.

2. Type your equation in the graphing calculator but do not submit it.

3. Add a division sign and the inequality (in quotes) after the equation. Given the equation Y(x) = |x| and the domain (-5, 5), your screen would look like this: Y1 = |x| / (5>x>-5). Likewise, given the equation Y(x) = |x| and the domain (0, infinity], your screen would look like this: Y1 = |x| / (x>0).

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