Friday, August 9, 2013

Find an Inverse Matrix on a Graphing Calculator

An inverse matrix is the reciprocal of a matrix. A matrix times its inverse equals 1, which is called the Identity Matrix. For a matrix to have an inverse, it must be a square meaning it has to have the same number of rows and columns. Finding the inverse of a matrix by hand is simple, but it's even easier on a graphing calculator such as the TI-83.

1. Press the "MATRX" button from the home page on the graphing calculator.

2. Enter a matrix into the calculator if you do not already have one entered. To enter a matrix, press the arrow that points to the right two times when the cursor highlights letter "A." This will move the top cursor to "Edit." Press "Enter" to select the "Edit" option.

3. Enter the matrix's numbers into the matrix on the calculator. Press "Enter" to move the cursor over one column. Press a button that has a dash symbol within parenthesis [( - )] to move down one row. Repeat the steps until the matrix is completed.

4. Press "2nd" then "Mode" to go back to the home screen. Press "MATRX" to enter the matrix screen again.

5. Press "Enter" when the cursor highlights matrix "A" then press "[x^ -1]." Your screen should read "[A]^ -1." Press "Enter" again to display the inverse matrix.

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